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Ni waktu msh di Genting Highland nih..

Fotonya lucu kan? ehhehe…

ini msh di Wahana Genting Highland loh…Di dlm rumah coklat, n msh di Genting Highland tentunya…

Selama backpacking 5 hr, Q sempetin buat mampir di Genting Highland. Tp sayangnya, kita agak kurang beruntung, coz cuacanya buruk. Hujan deras bgt hingga bnyk wahana outdoor ditutup. Yah.. rugi dunk dah byar tiket masuk utk wahana outdoor RM 35.

Ada bbrapa wahana outdoor yg akhirnya bs tak naiki, slah satunya Cyclone ini. lmyan buat nguji adrenalin. Hehehe. Sbnranya pngen naek wahana yg lebih seru, tp sayang ditutup karena faktor cuaca.

Hr ke 5 ni hr trakhir di Singapur. Ga trasa rasanya hari berlalu begitu cepat. Rasanyabaru kmren nyampe, eh..skrng udah packing2 mo balik ke Indonesia. Karena mlmnya kita plng telat n backing2. jadinya kita gak kesiangan bangunnya. Untungnya pesawat kita boradingnya jam 12-an. Stlah check out dr hotel, kita mo langsung ke Changi Airport, tp krna ada temen dr Indonesia yg mo nitip oleh2 buat sodaranya, jd kita ketemuan di Stasiun. Skalian aja kita breakfast. Di stasiun, ada beberapa restoran yg berlabel halal kok. Tinggal pinter2 buat nyari n ga malu klo nanya2.

Tp kebanyakan di setiap stasiun ada peta restoran halal, meski jumlahnya ga bnyak. Selain itu, di restoran arab menunya pasti halal. Kmren Q sempet nyoba makanan ala middle east gtu..namanya chicken briyani. klo blm pernah nyoba masakan middle east, pasti rasanya aneh, coz terlalu berbumbu. memang orng india dan middle east itu suka bgt masak makanan yg berbumbu. Nah…chicken briyani itu nasi yg dalemnya ada ayam kari. nasinya pun ga putih, tp kyk nasi goreng, jd nasinya ada rasanya.

Q jg inget pas Q di Arizona, tiap hari slama bulan puasa, Q buka puasa di Islamic Center of Tucson. Menu buka puasanya pasti menu mediteranian. nasinya kyk nasi goreng, keras dan berbumbu. nah..chicken briyani mengobati rasa kangenku pd masakan mediteranian. Chicken briyani ini menu spesial di restoran yg ada di kawasan little india. harganya Sin $ 8. lumayan hamal sih.. tp ini menu andalan di restoran ini.

Oia, klo kita packpacking pake pesawat low cost carrier, tu terminalnya terminal 1. kan bandara changi ada bnyak terminal. jd biar ga salah terminal aja. ruang tunggunya lumyan enak kok, ada banyak komputer gratis yg bisa dipake ngenet. kren kmaren km mepet nyampe bandara, jd ga sempet nyobain komputer bandara deh..

Hmm..ga trasa liburan backpacking slama 5 hari selesai. Seneng rasanya n yg pasti ga nyangka rencana backpacking yg udah Q susun dan persiapin slama 2 bulan terlaksana, meski ada beberapa perubahan.

What’s next???

hmm..masih pengen backpacking ke bnyak negara nih..

Q list ya..

1. ke Thailand n Vietnam. Wajib ngunjungin buddha temple sm nyobain thai massage..

2. ke Beijing, Forbidden city n great wallnya itu lho.. wajib dikunjungi.Hong kong skalian…

3.  kliling Eropa (terinspirasi dr Andrea Hirata, hehe). Mulai dr Spanyol, PAris, Itali, Belanda, Jerman, Swiss, Inggris ( Hmm..apalagi ya..

4. ke India. Taj Mahal itu lho..tempat yg wajib dikunjungi

5. New Zealand. Dari kecil Q pengen liat sabana n stepa, peternakan kuda dan domba yg ada disana. Huff.. impian masa kecil nih… hehe

6. Klo udah ke New Zealand, wajib ngunjungin australi nih.. ke Opera House yg terkenal itu lho..wajib photo disana.

7. Ke Amrik lg. hehe.. dlu kan cm nyampe Los Angeles n Arizona. Pengen nih nyampe Washington….n berfoto di dpn patung liberty. hags..hags..

We’re arrived at Terminal Puduraya on 4.30 am. Then, we’re looking for Hotel. Actually, we didn’t want to stay longer in Malaysia, because our first plan is we’re going to Thailand. In fact, our body needs more rest, so we decided not to visit Thailand and reschedule it for next time. I spent 2 days and 1 night in Malaysia. Our plan during in Malaysia

1st day: we’re going to visit Genting Highland n Chinatown

2nd day: we’re going to visit KLCC and Central Market.

We found a near hotel from Terminal Puduraya, namely Hotel Puduraya. It’s located on the upper floor of Terminal Building. For 2D1N, I need to pay RM 41. I think that’s cheap because I share the hotel’s cost for three persons. We took a rest for awhile. At 11 am, we got our brunch for breakfast and lunch. We found halal food restaurant which is located in front or Terminal Puduraya. FYI, If you want to put your bag, so we can explore Malaysia without taking your bag, you can put it in a stand, which is name Luggage…. I forgot the name. but, It’s located near a ticket stand. U need to pay for RM 2/bag. You can leave it for safe.

At 12.00, we ordered ticket to go to Genting Highland. There is a direct bus from Terminal Puduraya to Genting. It only cost RM 11 for return ticket. You can also order what time will you be picked up. We chose to be picked up at 8.30 pm. We departed at 13.00 pm. The bus is full of tourist. It’s also comfortable. It takes about 2 hours from Terminal Puduraya to Genting.

# At Genting Highland

We took many pictures there, hahaha. There are 2 main destinations, namely indoor and outdoor. Both of them are good. But, if you want to raise your adrenaline, it’s better for you to take outdoor one and it cost RM 28. Unfortunately, there are some games that are underconstraction. So, We only enjoy some games. A couple minutes later, the rain and fog were coming and it maked most of games were closed. I felt cold then. The unhapy conditions forces us to walk around indoor area. At 8.30, our bus came and picked us up. We’re heading to Terminal Puduraya.

At night, we walked to Jalan Petaling. It’s Chinese night market, b’coz most of sellers are Chinese. Many stuffs are sold there and the thing that I like is we can bargain the price!!!. I bought a watch for RM 10. At the first time, the seller told the price was RM 15, but the I bargain it into RM 10. Finally, he gave it and I bought 10 watches for my sisters and brothers as a souvenirs. Then I walked around. I saw all sellers are welcome and offering their stuffs nicely, such as jeans, women bag, bag, food, fruits, belt, purse, nad souvenirs. But, you need to be good at bargain, if u’re not, u’re gonna get lost. If you want to buy souvenirs, it’s beter for you to go to Central market (it’s closed to Petaling). Becuase you can get cheaper price than in Petaling. At last, I was attracted to a nice bag, but the price is RM 85. I tried to bargain it into RM 35. But, he can’t give it to me. Finally, he gave me for RM 50. Yuhuu..I got new bag!!

I’ll continue my traveling story in 3rd day in Malaysia in next note..

I was arrived at Changi Airport at 10.30, an hour earlier than it should be. I had flight from Adi Sucipto Airport at 07.30.  Since we’re using low cost carrier, we was arrived at Terminal 1. One of my friends was waiting for us, then she showed us how to use MRT. She is so helpful. Actually, it’s so easy to use MRT. you can choose either to buy ez link card or single trip ticket. If you want to buy single trip ticket, the thing that you need to do is:

1. Go to ticket machine

2. choose buy single trip ticket then select the MRT station that you want.

3. The cost will be showed up and you need to put your money inside the machine.

4. take your ticket, n if there is any changes you can also take them.

MRT Single trip ticket is refundable. After using it, you can refund it for SGD $ 1. You can go to MRT by putting your card into MRT entrance gate. To take your train, just follow the sign.

Our first destination is Orchard Road. We walked around and brought some souvenirs at Lucky Plaza. I brought 3 items for only SGD $ 10. We took many nice pictures. We also saw Mount Elizabeth Hospital in where many Indonesian people  come to secure their illness. We also met some Indonesian people who are traveling and we asked about mosque around Orchard Road. She informed us the nearest mosque.

After walking around ORchard Road, we went to MErlion PArk in order to see MErlion statue, Esplanade and ride Singapore Flyer. From Orchard Road, we olny need to ride MRT and arrived at City Hall MRT Station, then we walked to Esplanade. We took our pictures there.

After there, we ride Singapore Flyer even it costs a lot, namely SGD $ 29.50 plus tax. We can ride it for about 30 minutes. It seems like we are inside a huge glass tube, so we can see whole Singapore clearly. You can see a beautiful scenery of Singapore both at noon or evening. If you visit Singapore, don’t forget to ride Singapore Flyer. You can also buy some souvenirs in there.

# Our next destination is Merlion Park. Actually, It is located near Esplanade, so you can walk from Esplanade to MErlion Park. Merlion is an icon of Singapore. Almost all tourist who visit Singapore take a picture in front of Merlion, including me, hahaha. Besides, I bought an ice cream which costs only SGD $ 1. It’s delicous and yummy. We spent our evening there until about 7 pm we decided to go back to City Hall MRT Station. We’re heading to Golden Miles Complex.

# Golden Mile Complex is a bus station. We’re planning to go to Malaysia by bus. If you want to go to Malaysia, you can choose either by bus or train. If you go by bus, it only takes 5 hours. How about the cost? which is is cheaper? I don’t know how much exactly train cost. When I was there, I prefer to go by bus. It costs SGD $ 20. The bus officer told me that there is a discount rate at that time. I think it’s promotion period. He said the common rate is about SGD $39-40. Our bus run at 11 p.m. We got nice bus with some facilities, such as blanket and mineral water. Its chair is so neat , so we can sleep well. But, unfortunately, the driver isn’t good enough.

As first time backpacker, we didn’t know about imigration in Singapore. When we want to go to Malaysia, we need to enter Singapore imigration. At 11.30, we’re at Singapore imigration and report that we’re out of Singapore. We needed to bring our bags and stuffs for security checking.At 12.00, we’re at Malaysia imigration, and we did the same thing as we had in Singapore.After having those imigration checkings, we can sleep well. We’re arrived ar Puduraya Bus Station at 4 a.m. Huffh..Finally we’re at Malaysia.

My backpacking story is to be continued…I’ll tell about my adventure in Malaysia. Just wait for it. 😉

Petualangan BackpackingQ akan dimulai Selasa 26 januari, hmm..it will be so much fun I hope. rencana awal emang cm mo ke singapore and Malaysia. Q udah pesen tiket utk keberangkatan tgl 26 dan plng ke indonesia tgl 30. Jd rencana awal mau ngabisin 2 hari di Sinagpore n 2 hari di Malaysia. Nah..saat bikin itinerary, Q smpet browsing nyari2 info tempat2 menarik yg wajib dikunjungi slama di sana, eh..taunya malah nemu itinerary orng yg liburan ke thailand sekalian. wow..it will be great klo bisa backpacking ke 3 negara, Singapura, Malaysia dan Thailand.

Hari pertama: nyampe di Singapura, mo lngsung ke Orchard Road, Esplanade, n Merlion Park. Jgn lupa naek Singapore Flyer n photo2 yg banyak , hehe

lalu hari ke 2: nyampe Malaysia stlah semaleman naek kreta. Tidur di kereta dunk…, nah pagi2 rencana mo ke Petronas buat Photo2, sbnarnya sih lbh bagus klo malem, tapi ya..g papa lah. Klo mlm da wktu boleh lah photo2 lagi. stlah itu mo ke Genting High Land. Katanya biaya perjalanannya 35 RM buat naik bis PP. Pengen tau gmn sih di sana.

Malemnya perjalanan mo ke Thailand. Klo ini ada 2 opsi, mo naik bus ato naek kreta. enakan mana ya? ntar lah cari info lagi.

Hari ke 3: nyampe di Thailand dunk.. sbnarnya Q dah pernah nyampe thailand, tp cm di Bandaranya aja, Suvarnabhumi. Keren jg Bandaranya. Dlu wktu mo ke Los Angeles, transit dlu di Bandara Thailand, lmyan buat photo. Nah..kunjungan ku kali ini rencana mo ke Hatyai n Phuket. Rencana rinciannya sih lg dibikin. hag..hag

malem hari balik ke singapore. Knapa balik ke singapore lg? coz tiket pulangnya emang lwt Singapore. trs mo kemana dunk?

hari ke 4: singapore! kita mo ke Sentosa Islamd. yuhuu.. mo seharian disana, mpe malem rencanaya coz mo nonton wahana Song of the Sea. pokoknya hrs liat itu. dijamin puas deh seharian di sana. haha. klo malam ini, rencana kita mo nginep di hotel yg murah.

hari ke 5: rencana mo ke Bugis street mo beli oleh2. katanya di daerah ini murah2. hmm..boleh lah..penerbangan kita siang hari, so lngsung balik ke hotel buat packing n balik deh ke Indonesia.

that’s all my plan. I hope all of them can be done. and for sure my adventure will be great!!

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